Our mission is simple—join us for impact.

Nebraska CASA Association is a network of 22 local programs in Nebraska serving 55 counties. We recruit, screen, train and support Court Appointed Special Advocates. Those advocates are volunteers - just like you - who are appointed by a judge to speak for the well-being of abused and neglected children.

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Give Foster Children the Gift on Your Love This Valentine’s Day

Nebraska CASA volunteer Valentine's Day wish

Ah, Valentine’s Day. With pink hearts floating around everywhere, chocolate on every shelf and couples swooning, love is in the air. For some, Valentine’s Day is the perfect chance to remind their sweet significant other how much they love them. For others, Valentine’s Day can be a frustrating holiday filled with reminders of icky, annoying romantic love.

No matter which side of the spectrum you fall on, one thing is clear: Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to live a more altruistic lifestyle. Valentine’s Day can be more than just romantic love, but true, kind, caring love for your neighbors and those in need. How can you lead a more altruistic life this week? Here’s how you can give love to others this Valentine’s Day.


1. Be Our Valentine.

For children in foster care, Valentine’s Day often highlights the absence of familial connections, leaving them feeling isolated during a time celebrated for love and togetherness. By becoming a CASA volunteer, you can provide a source of compassion and consistency, offering these children the hope and support they need. Join us in spreading love and making a meaningful difference in their lives this Valentine’s Day and beyond.


2. Your gift of time gives back.

This Valentine’s Day, give yourself the gift of volunteering for an important cause within Nebraska: supporting children in foster care as a CASA. If you’re a big Valentine’s Day gift giver, then you have the type of heart we seek within our volunteers. Consider choosing a more altruistic route and give your time to children separated from their families at no fault of their own.  Donating to CASA in the name of a loved one helps make a lasting impact of children. 


3. Go red and give blood.

We all know that red tends to be a favorite color during the Valentine’s Day season. This week, show how much you care about others by going red and giving blood. According to the American Red Cross, your donation can save up to three lives. That’s a whole lot of love to give this Valentine’s Day. 


4. Pay it forward.

Pay it forward if you want to spread the love that keeps on giving. Do something kind for a stranger that can’t be paid back and ask them to pay it forward to another stranger in the future. For example, try paying for someone’s coffee in line behind you or picking up the tab for a couple at the restaurant. Ask them to pay it forward, and know that your good deed will not go unnoticed as it ripples throughout the community.


5. Volunteer with a cause.

Finally, one significant way to give love this Valentine’s Day is by volunteering with a cause you care about. After the holiday season cools off, many nonprofit organizations can struggle to find more volunteers or raise other donations. Nebraska CASA is always looking for men and women who are passionate about helping children. Is this you?

Celebrate your Valentine’s Day in an altruistic way by showing children need a voice inside the court and a friend outside of the court proceedings.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to just be about romantic love. This Valentine’s Day, live an altruistic lifestyle by giving love to others around you. Whether it’s through giving gifts, getting involved, or going to help, you can make a difference in your community and spread love to everyone this week.